• What if not an autotest and why does the conflict start?

    If you are a conditional Sberbank, that it is almost impossible to run the test by hand due to the amount of functionality, then overpaying 50% of the development cost for this is normal. If a startup, where 500-700 thousand rubles are pledged for MVP, then getting another 200, so as not to check with your hands, seems like excessive wastefulness - it is more profitable to invest this money in promotion.


    If you go for the second option, then you will have to deal with manual testing - a process in which the developer himself (and you along with him) does all the testing. Such testing can drag on for a long time: first the programmer will find bugs, then you will find those that he missed, then he will notice others again, then new ones will appear, and so on many, many times.

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